Primary Progressive Aphasia: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and More

During this time, people with primary progressive aphasia will experience a loss of communication and language skills but typically won’t see a change in cognitive or functional skills. This type of aphasia is caused by brain atrophy and continually gets worse over time. Treatments such as speech therapy can help maintain communication skills and slow down the progression of symptoms, but they cannot cure this type of aphasia entirely.

These activities require you to compare and contrast the images to identify minor changes. This can enhance your spatial processing skills and concentration. A favorite childhood pastime can have a positive impact on your brain after a stroke. Classic board games, such as Connect 4, Qwirkle, Battleship, and Guess Who?

How long does it typically take the brain to recover from a stroke?

Lemon juice helps to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which can help prevent arterial plaque from forming on blood vessels and causing strokes. So many toxins flow into the bloodstream when the bowel is constipated. Chinese medical practitioners prevent strokes and treat them by eliminating constipation. Alpha-linolenic acid is one of the groups of omega-3 fatty acids. It helps lower the risk of strokes in middle-aged men at high risk of cardiovascular disease.

home remedies for brain stroke

In a placebo-controlled study, results showed that aromatherapy can helpreduce nausea. The essential oils used in aromatherapy such as lavender can also help withanxiety and depressionafter brain injury. Spinach is rich in folate and this vital nutrient reduces the risks of stroke and heart disease.

thoughts on “Homeopathy Medicine for Brain Stroke-100%Recovery”

Our homeopathic medicine for brain stroke is followed by our Live Positive homeopathy medicine for brain development, to help the patient recover faster, effectively and completely. In addition to this, we also provide the best brain clot treatment in homeopathy to prevent further development of new clots. The green and richest of all the home remedies for brain hemorrhage is spinach. You might not like the taste of spinach, but you will not be able to stop yourself from describing its health benefits. Spinach is a very common green leafy vegetable that we usually don’t like to eat. Hemorrhagic attacks account for about 13% of the total stroke cases and in the brain hemorrhage, an aneurysm is the most common cause.

Also increase your intake of whole grains, legumes, fruits, and omega-3 foods such as flaxseeds, walnuts, wild-caught salmon, and grass-fed beef. At the same time, you need to avoid foods that contain refined sugar, carbs, trans fats, and artificial sweeteners. It is also important to limit your intake of alcohol – men should not have more than two drinks a day, whereas women should limit their intake to only one drink a day. Yoga gives you more control over your brain, it is the best thing to practice to reduce stress and prevent brain hemorrhage. It is not one of the home remedies for a brain hemorrhage, but a suggestion that everyone must follow to have a healthy life.

Home Remedies for Blood Clot in Head

These strokes are often caused by blood clots that form elsewhere in the arteries and move up to the brain, where they block nutrient-rich blood from reaching the brain tissue. When it comes to stroke prevention, quitting smoking and avoiding second-hand smoke should be your top priority. This is so important because smoking doubles your risk for having a stroke and substantially increases your risk for fatal heart problems such as coronary heart disease. According toThe National Stroke Association, a person’s stroke risk is greatly reduced no matter how old they are when they decide to quit smoking. If stroke is not treated immediately, the patient runs the risk of death, as time passes and the brain is not receiving oxygen. Studies have shown that aromatherapy can help treat some of the effects of a brain injury naturally.

However, primary progressive aphasia is rare, and sample sizes are small. A diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia will begin with a review of symptoms. Harari, O.A.; Liao, J.K. NF-κB and innate immunity in ischemic stroke. Doust, Y.V.; Rowe, R.K.; Adelson, P.D.; Lifshitz, J.; Ziebell, J.M. Age-at-injury determines the extent of long-term neuropathology and microgliosis after a diffuse brain injury in male rats.

You may have heard of the MIND diet(Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay), which uses a combination of diets to boost brain function. It consists of monounsaturated fat , omega-3, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. In studies, the MIND diet has been shown to slow down cognitive decline.

home remedies for brain stroke

Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and limes reduce the risks of stroke by 19%, they are rich in flavonoids and other phytonutrients that can help treat and prevent stroke. ACV also has blood thinning properties, it increases the flow of blood to the brain thereby preventing a stroke. Take this liquid daily, add two tablespoons of ACV to a cup of warm water and drink. Eating lots of potassium-rich foods reduces your risks of stroke by 24% says a study. Go for green bananas than the yellow ones when you want to reduce your blood pressure.


B12 is also a water-soluble vitamin that allows the function of physical, emotional and mental abilities. It involves in the metabolic function of each body cell, which makes it essential to those who have the body’s systems weakened by stroke. Besides, B12 also plays an important role in aiding the body to absorb fatty acids. This is important as omega-3 fats are responsible for maintaining the health of brain as well as nerve tissue. Vitamins and supplements are usually the first thing that come to mind when searching for home remedies after stroke.

home remedies for brain stroke

Avoid foods rich in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium that are not good for your blood and blood vessels. Besides, new study links consuming diet soda to an increased stroke risk and other related diseases. GRex, the methanolic extract of GR, was post-treated with MCAO-induced ischemic stroke in mice to observe whether GRex post-administration is effective in cerebral infarction.


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